David Dudek
Conductor of Celebrations
David’s motto is work hard / play harder, he loves to travel and has lived in 6 countries on 4 continents and is very active running marathons and ultra-marathons. David’s short term goal is to complete an ultra on 7 continents by Jan 2016.
He has a successful career as a logistician and works for one of the 5 largest logistics companies of the world where he is a Senior Vice President. During his 25 year supply chain experience he has orchestrated the movements of a variety of products including automobiles, commodities like steel to precision instruments from origins on 6 continents to over 100 countries.
David loves a celebration and has been to Woodstock 94, Carnival in Rio and 2 in Cologne, Kentucky Derby, Hong Kong 7s, Melbourne Cup, Aussie Rules finals, many F1 races, Mardi Gras and many other popular extravaganzas. David has also been featured in season 2 of Esquire TV’s Boundless series episode Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset.
Reinhardt Smit
Top Talk Man
Reinhardt was born in 1983 in South Africa, and has lived in South Africa, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Belgium and now The Netherlands. Reinhardt likes running, travelling, reading, watching TV series and drinking wine. He knows Dave through a running club and as a bit of an entrepreneur that likes crazy ideas, he was immediately on board with the 2061 Club.
Outside of his spare time, he runs a private consultancy that advises on communication processes and online communication. Reinhardt is therefore responsible for the communication matters of the club, including running the website and some project management.
Skye Ellis
Ambassador of Fun
An International spirit who has lived and worked in various countries and continents throughout his life. Lastly was InterNations Ambassador in Shanghai, where he organised over 100 large scale events and Get-Togethers for the International Community there.
A serial networker who excels in bringing people together. Loves parties, traveling and is an Entrepreneur at heart, who has successfully built Award Winning Companies.
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish (notions), Mandarin (notions)
Thijs van Iersel
Master Brander
Thijs is a Dutch multimedia designer with branding skills. Soon after his 3-month trip down-under, he was introduced to the idea of this club, and was immediately sold. It opens your brain to fantasies about the future. Starting with a wild idea and make it work from there is what Thijs does best. He co-founded a foundation called Stadslab Leiden, a collaborative group of citizens that voluntarily enhance their own city. Apart from this work Thijs likes to play the drums, loves clubbing and is fanatic about cooking. Thijs is responsible for the branding and graphics of the club.